Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Your thoughts on the Causes of the Civil War.

Hello class, and welcome to our new class forum. Periodically I will be giving you a discussion question and I will expect everyone to comment on the topic.

I may also give you several links so that you can do some web research to delve deeper into some of the topics we'll be discussing in class.

The purpose of the blog is to encourage you to use your critical thinking skills in addressing various questions as related to United States History. You may either contribute your own original thought or respond to someone else's posting. The only rule is that your responses must be at least one quality paragraph. Quality paragraphs should be 4-5 good, complete sentences that obviously have good thoughts included. Remember, this is a graded assignment.

In order to accurately grade your response, please post your comment with your name. (don't use your last name please)

The first discussion question is:

What do you think was the major cause of the Civil War? I know we've discussed several, try to pick one and tell me about it, even if your thesis has more than one. Use the comment link below to comment.

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klkatz said...

I'll start this one.

I think the main cause of the Civil War was stubbornness of the South to change their way of life. Yes, they were pretty reliant on slavery, and yes their way of life relied on hard work which was inevitably cheaper because of the free labor from slaves. But I don't think any real consideration was ever considered that might have given the south the opportunity to slowly move away from slavery. So they might have to pay some indentured servants. Had they realized the barbaric nature of the abomination and how it would be viewed in the future, the south may have been willing to sacrifice some revenue in order to change for the good of man. They eventually did change, reluctantly, and after years of bloodshed.

Anonymous said...

Well i think that the main cause for the civil war was the election of Lincoln. He really wasnt liked in the south and he didnt receive any votes from them when he was running for president. The south was afraid that Lincoln would end slavery, but Lincoln like, like most northerners, just wanted to stop the expansion of slavery. Even after the slave stated secceeded from the union, Lincoln gave them a chance to come back and told them that slavery in their area would not be messed with. But again the arrogance of the south led to war and had to change their ways.

Anonymous said...

well i think that the cause of the civil war was the effect slavery had on goverment. i think that if slavery didn't make the south larger than the north the civil war might of been avoided.

Pharone said...

I think the main cause of the civil war was slavery. But if you want to get specfic though, the teritory issue is where i think the problem lied. Such as the Kansas/Nebraska ordeal and California being inducted into the Union. The government just couldnt decide which states should be free an which states should not. Then the residents of Kansas started going crazy an fighting and killing one another, over what! Nonsense
And the law they had saying for every free state that was admitted a slave had to be admitted was an ABSOLUTE JOKE!!!
Because no state in the United States of America is the exact same size, so thats where the unfairness came into play.
I do envy the government for trying to please both sides, i just think they went about it in a totally wrong way

Anonymous said...

i think that the main cause of the civil war was the economic difference.The north which was increasing faster making the south jealous and also fearful of being under its richer neighbor to a point where they want to fight back.

Faux Pas Bakery said...

I think that the Civil War was caused by slavery. There were so many disputes over slavery and the expansion of slavery, along with which states should be slave states that I wanted to cry when I wrote my paper...(j/k)
The South wanted to expand slavery and the North wanted to abolish it completely. They just couldn't agree and would make eachother mad and that started the war.

Anonymous said...

I feel that one of the main causes of the civil war was economic expansion. The south's economy grew a little faster than the North's. Income in the South was higher than the states in the northwest. If the south had become an independent nation, it would have ranked as one of the wealthiest countries.

adonis said...

I think the main cause of the civil war was the expansion of slavery. I think this because if there was no slaves there wouldn't even be an issue. The expansion from the south east to the south west angered the north. I think the south probably thought they needed slaves because they were so behind the north and they had to get back at the north for being ahead.

Anonymous said...

I think the main cause of the civil war was the establishment of the United States from Great Britain with slavery still attached to its heritage. If they had gotten rid of slavery from the time of the revolutionary war then there would never have been as many conflicts. The North and South would never have fought. There would have never been a civil war.

Derrick J. said...

There were many causes of the civil war. I believe the main cause of the civil war was the issue of slavery. For instance I believe it was too much hassle trying to decide whether a state should be a free state or a slave state when they tried to join the United States. At first the North did not want to get rid of slavery. For the North, getting rid of slavery was a last resort. They finally decided they had to do what they had to abolish slavery. So they designed the Emancipation Proclamation which did not end slavery but was a major step.

({Just a thought} I wish I had known you had to be signed up for this because the first comment I typed was much better and it was lost in the system while I was trying to sign up for the google thing.)

klkatz said...

FYI - you guys can leave comments anonymously.. no need to sign up...choose 'other' and simply add your name.

Anonymous said...

I think that Unlce Tom's Cabin was a major cause of the Civil War because it stated facts about how slavery was evil and stirred up more conflict between the North and the South. Also, the arthur, Harriet Beecher Stowe expressed her feelings of hatred for slavery in the book that sold 1.2 million in the summer of 1853. In addition, when Lincoln met her he said, "so this is the little lady that started the big war".

Anonymous said...

I think the main cause of the civil war was the simple fact that the south hated the north. I mean, with all these other problems going on and terrible events happening, with a simple compromise, everything would have been ........ok. The North and South could have come to some.....what...agreement or something of the sort. Even if not that, and even if some of the cause still occured, the south wouldn't have been so quick to turn on the north.

A simple compromise would have surficed

Anonymous said...

I think the main causes of the Civil War were just endless disputes not only between the North and the South, but between themselves. Not everyone in the South wanted to continue slavery, and there was a large percentage of people in the North that had no problem with slavery. In a way, the nation was just loosely divided so basically there was no solid stance on anything between the two halves. That's why the Missouri compromise didn't work.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the civil war was caused by the north and south's inability to decide which states would be free and which states would remain slaved up. Government couldnt decide fast enough or maybe they did it on purpose just to start a war for fun because the government is strange like that. Eventually the North wanted it all their way and the south wanted it to be their way 100 percent of states. So since Lincoln wouldn't keep the states all slavedy, some southern states succeeded from the union. They picked their own president and the civil War took place. What a bunch of humans.

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