Friday, September 26, 2008

Founding Fathers Quote Friday - Liberty

Favorite Founding Father's Quote Day

This is the second installment of a weekly meme called FFQF, or, "Founding Father's Quote Friday" - to read more about what it is you can click here.

This month's theme is Liberty. And today's Founding Father is The Godfather of Founding Fathers, George Washington.

"Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth."

This quote from President Washington is taken from a letter he wrote to James Madison on March 2, 1788. The letter was written to Madison on the eve of the election of officials from Massachusetts, who were to vote on the ratification of the Constitution.

It was during this time in 1787 and 1788, that Madison, along with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay wrote the famed Federalist Papers. Most of the essays were published in between October 1787 and August 1788. So this letter falls right in the middle of it all.

In reading this quote and knowing it's context I get a sense that Washington was confident in the ratification of the Constitution. Almost reassuring Madison, who was the chief architect of the document, as it was based on his Constitution of Virginia, that his hard work would not go for naught.

By June 21, 1788, the Constitution had been ratified by nine states and it soon went into effect. The rest, as they say... is history.

The letter can be read in its entirety below.

Mount Vernon, March 2, 1788


The decision of Massachusetts, notwithstanding its concomitants, is a severe stroke to the opponents of the proposed Constitution in this State; and with the favorable determination of the States which have gone before, and such as are likely to follow after, will have a powerful operation on the Minds of Men who are not actuated more by disappointment, passion and resentment, than they are by moderation, prudence and candor. Of the first description however, it is to be lamented that there are so many; and among them, some who would hazard every thing rather than their opposition should fail, or have the sagacity of their prognostications impeached by an issue contrary to their predictions.

The determination you have come to, will give pleasure to your friends. From those in your County you will learn with more certainty than from me, the expediency of your attending the election in it. With some, to have differed in sentiment, is to have passed the Rubicon of their friendship, altho’ you should go no further. With others (for the honor of humanity) I hope there is more liberality; but the consciousness of having discharged that duty which we owe to our Country, is superior to all other considerations, will place small matters in a secondary point of view.

His Most Ch—n M—y speaks, and acts in a style not very pleasing to republican ears or to republican forms; nor do I think this language is altogether so to the temper of his own subjects at this day. Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. The checks he endeavors to give it, however warrantable by ancient usage, will more than probably, kindle a flame, which may not be easily extinguished; tho’ for a while it may be smothered by the Armies at his command, and the Nobility in his interest. When the people are oppressed with Taxes, and have cause to suspect that there has been a is application of their money, the language of despotism is but illy brooked. This, and the mortification which the pride of the Nation has sustained in the affairs of Holland (if one may judge from appearances) may be productive of events which prudence will not mention.

To-morrow, the Elections for delegates to the Convention of this State commences; and as they will tread close upon the heels of each other this month becomes interesting and important. With the most friendly sentiments and affectionate regard &c.

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Hercules Mulligan said...

Great quote today, Kevin! Thanks for participating! It's a real treat that you include the whole letter. It adds the context of the thought that was formed.

Liberty is certainly a plant that grows rapidly. But like the plants that grew from the seeds sown in the rocky ground, in Jesus' parable of the Sower (Mark 4), the plant needs to have deep roots in order for the plant to survive. Liberty is a plant that must be constantly tended and nourished. If it is not, it soon becomes feeble and dies. It is not the sole job of the President, Congress, or military to keep that spark alive. It is up to we the people to excercise the requisite private and public virtue, and to be informed and active in the affairs of our government. Neglect of these duties lead to tyranny.

Thanks again for sharing, and participating in today's meme! Happy FFQF! I will definitely let you know what next month's theme will be, no later than next Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Herky's caution that the roots must go deep is true, of course. But given the state of things today, I'm going to arbitrarily take your quote as a word of hope and encouragement. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Recently an insurance company nearly wind up....

A bank is nearly bankrupt......

How it affect you? Did you buy insurance? Did you buy mini note or bonds?

Who fault?

They only talk about how bad the crisis will be, but they did not give regulation measures…..

Now using tax payer money, $700B is used to save finance industry only, how about the industry that you are in.....retail industry, construction industry, manufacturing industry, R&D, electronics, electrical, mechanical, chemical, IT etc.... each industry will be able to enjoy at least $10B.......

The top management of the Public listed company ( belong to "public" ) salary should be tied a portion of it to the shares price ( IPO or ave 5 years ).... so when the shares price drop, it don't just penalise the investors, but those who don't take care of the company.....If this rule is pass on, without any need of further regulation, all industries ( as long as it is public listed ) will be self regulated......

Sign a petition to your favourite president candidate and ask for their views to comment on this......If you agree on my point, please let as many people know as possible....

Media and finance sector are the only two sectors ( hopefully Hacker can also ) which can overcome political incorrect power, so it is time to fine tune to the correct path, so hopefully media can united to report the truth......

Hercules Mulligan said...

Hi Kevin. Sorry my notification is late! :( I lost track of the days!

Well, today is the first Friday of October, and the theme for this month is "virtue."

I hope my notification is not too late for it to be convenient for you to participate in today's meme.

Happy FFQF!

Unknown said...

Happy FFQF! I love reading these posts every week, and I thought this time I'd bring a little something of my own to share. I found an article about the history of taxes this morning on this website:
It offered great insight and a good 10-minute work break. Check it out.

Hercules Mulligan said...

Tina, I'm so glad that you enjoy the meme! It means a lot to me, thank you.

And thanks for sharing the link! How interesting! I'm going to bookmark it for future reference.

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