If you're lucky, you have a computer lab or a laptop cart where you can have the kids create timelines online, check off that technology quota and draw them in even more.
Here are several places to do that.
You can find a plethora of timelines and links to timelines on my US History website: http://USHistorySite.com/timelines.php
But here's the timeline creator of all timelines - TimeRime.com:
This is not your typical timeline. TimeRime takes time lines to the next level by adding a level of interactivity with images, a scrolling feature and so much more which can't possibly be described. You'll just have to see it for yourself.
Though making a timeline with TimeRime could take a considerable amount of time, the results can be fantastic. Imagine the ideas you can bring to the table with pictures, and words with perspective of what came first, second and so on.
Below, I've embedded a timeline of Barrack Obama from TimeRime.com to give you a sense of some of the capabilities.
Did you know it is possible to compatre timelines?
Just open two or more and you can....
;-) P
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